Monday, January 17, 2011

applications and "boyfriends"

transfer apps=essays.
eating disorders provide the best topics.
'something that shaped me'
'a personal journey i've been on'

so, i'm thinking of boston college and boston university.
northwestern is of course a little bubble floating in the distance, but i don't know if my ego can take a denial letter.

and while i'm applying for different schools,
i'm applying for internships and scholarships through my school.

what's my problem.


speaking of committing...
trevor. my 'boyfriend'....that word makes me want to puke. but he was referred to me as my boyfriend which made me want to jump on the ending things train fast
my conversation with trevor that was supposed to end in things ending ended in my bed. sooo....oops. i'll try again tomorrow.
i've never been very eloquent.


  1. hahahahahaha. sorrry... i had to laugh at that... because... the ending convos that end in bed...happen to me ALL the time. oops. good luck again tomorrow.

    ps- transferring sucks balls and is really hard. I wouldn't write specifically about your eating disorder. Write how challanged you were at Lake Forest and you think that you've done all the growing you can there and now it's time to venture out and grow/learn more about yourself and to push your limits. You can mention your ED but don't make your essay about that. Just my thoughts.

    also- DAMMIT I WANTED TO SEE YOU. stupid snow.

  2. I'll offer a different opinion.

    I think mentioning your eating disorder specificaly takes balls and will make you stand out, which is what colleges want, especially when they're looking at transfer students. And an essay that talks around the issues rather than addressing them head on is never as powerful.

    Good luck!
