Monday, January 24, 2011

7 things thing

My darling friend Lisa gave me this 'blogger award'

In order to accept this award you must do the following:

  •  Make a post and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
  •  Share 7 things about yourself.
  •  Contact these bloggers to alert them that they’ve won!

I don't really follow blogs besides hers....soo, I won't be passing it on.
But, I'll do it anyway since I'm very pleased.

1. I write in my head. All the time. It's really weird. I narrate what I'm doing sometimes in flowery language in my head. It's strange, but it gives me something to think about besides my criticisms.
2. I pick my split ends compulsively.
3. I have a major dress obsession and wear them in inappropriate situations. Such as, -19 degree weather, sports games, amusement parks....
4. When I was 8, I wore a size 8 shoe. I was super amused by this because people often said 'act your age, not your shoe size,' and mine was the same. I'm no longer amused because my foot continued to grow to an 11 and it's excruciatingly difficult to locate shoes sometimes.
5. I have an extreme obsession with Friends. I know all of the episodes by heart. In awkward, or egregiously long situations, I play episodes in my head to make the time go by faster. I also do that with Mean Girls.
6. I have a profound love for riding the train. It's really smooth and peaceful and I love looking out the window at the snow.
7. I busted my ass on ice coming out of my dorm building. The ice shattered under me, sooo I hit it damn hard. I can now hardly walk, much less run or do yoga. Or stand up or bend over. It's very annoying. I am strongly considering getting one of those doughnut things to sit on. Trevor said he would make a lot of fun of me, but I think it's worth it.

Thanks Lisa. :)

In other news, I had a drunken break down on Saturday.
I think I'm ok though.
I'm just super tired of dealing with this.
I want to be ok and I'm just not.
I knew it would be difficult, and I knew I had more work to do, but it hit me while I was in a drunken stupor and I started bawling and ended up staying in Trevor's room on facebook all night by myself.

I have a therapy session on Wednesday, though. Finally. I'm also going to try to make it to EDA that night, but it's in the city until 9 and I'm extremely paranoid. But...we'll see. If I don't go, at least I have an individual session.


  1. did I mention something; I LOVE YOU!

  2. my foot continued to grow to an 11 and it's excruciatingly difficult to locate shoes sometimes

    Have you tried Target? DSW also usually has lots of 11s, even 12s
